
Monday 30 April 2012

70,000 to loose disability benefits

Today's Guardian reports that around 70,000 disabled people will this week lose some or all of their disability benefits. As the Con-Dems limit contributory benefits to one year. This is a cut that strikes at the heart of the idea of a welfare state to which working people contribute in the knowledge that they will be taken care of should something happen that prevents them from working. For shocking individual examples of the callousness of Tory cuts and why we have to fight these and other cuts to benefits, read the full article at: http://m.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/apr/29/sickness-benefit-cuts?cat=society&type=article

Meanwhile as yesterday's rich list was released, it provided further evidence of how the very richest in society have seen their wealth grow. They are doing very well out of the recession in which we are supposed to "all in it together". So while disabled people suffer sleepless nights worrying how they will survive without the benefits the Tories have stolen, the rich are laughing all the way to the bank (bailed out at our expense) to deposit their unpaid taxes.

Stop all benefit cuts and restore those already made!
Defend the welfare state!

Vote TUSC on Thursday for candidates that fight for the millions and not the millionaires.

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1 comment:

  1. Cardiff Socialists3 May 2012 at 21:52

    The figures look like they are even higher - more like 100,000. Then another 100,000 next April could lose their ESA. Then estimates are that 200,000 per year will lose this benefit with the 12 month limit on contributory ESA which would mean 700,000 not being entitled by 2015/16. This could "save" the Government £1bn over next 3 years. http://paullewismoney.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/losing-employment-support-allowance.html
    This is without taking into account the attacks on Disability Living Allowance which is due to be replaced by a new benefit PIP and 700,000 people are expected to lose entitlement to this benefit.
    Yet the estimates are that £12.3 billion is unclaimed across the various benefits - this is nearly the same as the entire Welsh Assembly Government budget.
    It would be much better to invest in public services to support sick and disabled people and make sure that everyone is receiving the benefits and support that they are entitled to. Also many people who are sick or who have underlying health conditions are treated really badly by their employers and are often dismissed too quickly rather than being supported. Anti-discrimination legislation should be strengthened to protect workers rights and not weakened as this Government is intending.
    There is real potential to unite everyone in our communities whether in work or out of work to stand up against this Government and defeat their plans to cuts welfare, jobs, pay, pensions and services
